Page 2 - Strategic Plan 6th Six-Month Report
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The Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (“DIC”) 2018 –
                2023 Strategic Plan (“the Plan”) is firmly embedded
                in  the  DIC’s  operations  with  a  notable  shift  in
                organizational    productivity.    While     Crisis
                Management  preparedness/readiness  remains  high
                on the DIC’s agenda, a major achievement during the
                6   6-month  period  was  an  internal  review  of
                legislation  and  accompanying  proposed  legislative
                amendments which aim to:

                     Align  DIC’s  presence  with  international
                     Engage  Effectively  With  All  Stakeholders
                      And In So Doing Contribute Meaningfully To
                      The Financial Safety Net; and
                     Enhance Organizational Effectiveness.

                How  has  the  Plan  lived  up  to  its  themes:
                Enhancing       Protection     Capability     and
                Institutional  Strengthening  of  People  and
                Process in the 6  6-Months?
                In furtherance of enhancing protection capability, we
                continue, as part of the ongoing Crisis Management
                Preparedness,  to  test  and  review  operational
                procedures.   Furthermore,   the  DIC’s    ongoing
                engagement with its staff and stakeholders through
                various  platforms,  are  designed  to  ensure  that  the
                DIC is living up to its Public Policy Objectives.
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