Page 3 - Strategic Plan 6th Six-Month Report
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Highlights of our Main Achievements
Aligning its presence with international standards
for deposit insurers
Much of this six (6) month period has been spent
conducting legislative review. In time we will bring
the results of these reviews to the various
stakeholders for their comment.
Engagement of Stakeholders
The DIC enjoyed encouraging feedback from our
public awareness efforts. Results thus far showed
continued growth in traffic on the DIC’s various
platforms such as the Website, Facebook, Instagram,
and Pen to Paper Series on LinkedIn. We will test,
through surveys, in the next period whether these
results are in fact reflected in the public’s knowledge
of the DIC.
The DIC continues to engage with other safety net
players through contributions on various committees
related to financial education and crisis management.
Enhance Organizational Effectiveness
During this period, staff have been exposed to job
related training in deposit insurance, crisis
communications, cyber security, operational and
administrative development, as well as wellness and
Covid-19 health awareness. This investment in our
people has created an understanding of how their