Page 2 - Strategic Plan 7th Six-Month Report
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The Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (“DIC”) 2018 –
                2023 Strategic Plan (“the Plan”) has just completed
                the first half of the fourth year of operationalization.
                The implementation of the Plan is almost completed.
                The activities to support institutional strengthening
                have been incorporated in the DIC’s ‘business as usual
                operations’.  As  a  result,  there  have  been  significant
                improvements in the institution’s internal operating
                framework    as   well   as   Crisis   Management
                preparedness.    A  significant  contributor  was  the
                operationalization  of  the  Strategic  Projects  for  the

                enhancement of organizational effectiveness.  Work
                continues  on  the  proposed  legislative  amendments
                which aim to:

                 •    Align  DIC’s  presence  with  international
                 •    Engage Effectively with All Stakeholders And
                      In So Doing Contribute Meaningfully To The
                      Financial Safety Net; and
                 •    Enhance Organizational Effectiveness.

                How  has  the  Plan  lived  up  to  its  themes:
                Enhancing       Protection     Capability     and
                Institutional Strengthening of People and Process
                in the 7  6-Months?
                DIC continues to boost its protection capability and
                preparedness with regular testing and refinement of
                its  Crisis  Management  processes.  An  important
                component of the DIC’s strategic objectives is ongoing
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