Page 3 - Strategic Plan 5th Six-Month Report
P. 3

Highlights of our Main Achievements

              Aligning its presence with international standards
              for deposit insurers
              The DIC has conducted data compliance testing which
              ensures  the  robustness  of  DIC’s  infrastructure  to
              receive data from its members; an ongoing review of
              DIC  policies  and  procedures  resulting  from  internal
              simulation testing; and the engagement of other safety
              net  players  as  it  relates  to  furthering  crisis
              management  preparedness.  These  undertakings  are
              aligned  with  international  standards  for  deposit

              Engagement of Stakeholders
              In furthering engagement of its stakeholders, the DIC
              has  deepened  its  digital  marketing  efforts  on
              Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn in order to increase
              its  public  awareness  efforts  and  has  deployed  a
              content-rich  social  media  calendar  that  is  both
              appealing  and  relatable  to  social  media  users.  The
              DIC’s  content  includes  its  brand  new  “Pen  to  Paper
              Series”  blog  (,
              a  user-friendly  “Deposit  Insurance  Calculator”
              (  on
              its website. Facebook and Instagram posts educate in
              bite  size  portions,  on  deposit  insurance  in  Trinidad
              and Tobago.

              The  DIC  has  also  rolled-out  five  (5)  educational
              modules  about  deposit  insurance  coverage  in  its
              thrust to educate its staff of member institutions and
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