Page 3 - Strategic Plan 3rd Six-Month Report
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facilitate a comparative review of two deposit
         insurance models to determine an appropriate model
         for DIC.

    • Strategic Initiative No. 2A - Review Legislation,
         identify gaps and develop an Action Plan. This
         project triggered a review of the DIC’s governing
         legislation with a view to identifying gaps. The
         outcome of this review resulted in the development
         of a handbook which provides guidance for
         implementing resolution processes and supports the
         DIC’s preparedness for crisis management.

    • Strategic Initiative No. 5 - Improve
         Collaboration with Stakeholders. The DIC has
         begun to engage its members and publics. As part
         of the ongoing implementation of its
         Communication Strategy the DIC ‘went live’ on
         both LinkedIn and Facebook.

Highlights of our Main Achievements
During the 3rd 6-Month period the DIC continued to focus
on the primary objectives.

Aligning its presence with international standards for
deposit insurers
The Peer Assessment conducted in August 2019 by a
review team from Switzerland, United Kingdom and the
United States cemented the areas in which the DIC must
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