September 21 & 22, 2017: This initiative saw Staff bring their culinary skills to the fore and prepare meals to serve over 400 socially displaced persons over a two-day period.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Which institutions depositors are insured by the DIC?
- If a depositor has an account in the main office of an institution and also at a branch office, are these accounts separately insured?
- Are foreign deposits insured?
- Who should file a claim if more than one person is authorised to draw on an account?
Did You Know?
- Misconception: Depositors of a failed member institution have an unlimited time within which to make a claim on the Fund. - Fact: Depositors are granted a 12 month window in which to make a claim after which they can claim against the estate of the failed member. After the passage of 12 months, claims can only be made against the estate of the failed member institution payment for which would depend …