The Liquidator shall place a notice of dividend in the Gazette and newspaper and shall also send a notice of dividend to each creditor whose Form 55 – Proof of Debt has been admitted. The notice shall specify how many cents on the dollar will be paid and the date and time for the dividend.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How does a depositor establish an insurance claim?
- What is the insurance coverage on a trust account held under the provisions of an irrevocable express trust?
- What happens if a depositor expects to be paid an amount that is different from what the DIC pays?
- Will shareholders of an institution receive any part of their investment before depositors’ claims are satisfied?
Did You Know?
- Misconception: The uninsured balance, being that portion of deposit/(s) over TT$200,000 for which a certificate was issued, would never be honoured by the DIC. - Fact: A liquidator’s certificate is issued to the depositor by the Corporation for the unsecured balance being that portion of the deposit over TT$200,000. If, the realizations from the disposal of assets net of the subrogated claim of the deposit insurer results in a surplus, then unsecured balances would be …