Interest will be paid on an account up to the date of closure of an institution, even if the maturity date of the account is beyond the date of closure.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Are any other cash liabilities of financial institutions covered?
- Who should file a claim if more than one person is authorised to draw on an account?
- Will shareholders of an institution receive any part of their investment before depositors’ claims are satisfied?
- If a depositor has an account in the main office of an institution and also at a branch office, are these accounts separately insured?
Did You Know?
- Misconception: All financial institutions that take deposits are covered under the Deposit Insurance Fund - Fact: ONLY member institutions that are licensed under the Financial Institutions Act, 2008 are covered under the Deposit Insurance Fund. This legislation provides for the regulation of commercial banks and other institutions engaged in the business of banking and business of a financial nature.