Information regarding the date and place of payment will be posted on the doors of the closed institution, published in the press and indicated in notices sent to depositors.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Are Mutual Funds insured?
- If a depositor has an account in the main office of an institution and also at a branch office, are these accounts separately insured?
- Does deposit insurance protect the interests of creditors other than depositors of a failed institution?
- Does the borrower’s obligations to the institution continue after the institution is closed?
Did You Know?
- Misconception: Placing funds in different types of deposits such as CDs, Chequing, Savings with the same member institution would increase insurance coverage. - Fact: Deposits held by the same person in the same member institution in the form of CD’s, Chequing and Savings accounts are added together and insured up to a maximum of TT$200,000.